Dennis Doty


Dennis is the Publisher/Managing Editor of Saddlebag Dispatches magazine and Chief Content Executive for Oghma Creative Media. He writes whatever his overly active imagination leads him to but specializes in Westerns and Historical Fiction.

During a wildly misspent youth, he spent ten years in the Marine Corps and two on the Rodeo Cowboys Association Southwest Circuit mostly falling off bareback broncs.

His first published novel, The Cherokee Strip, co-written with the legendary Dusty Richards was released in April 2021. His short fiction has appeared in Saddlebag Dispatches, Cheapjack Pulp, Storyland Literary Review, Inner Circle Writers Magazine, and in anthologies such as At Death’s Door and The Untamed West. He’s a member of Western Fictioneers where he’s has judged for the Peacemaker Awards the last two years.

He spends his days writing, editing and yelling at kids to get off his lawn. He can be found at  on Facebook at or at the home in Southeastern Kentucky he shares with his wife and two dogs.

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Books By Dennis Doty

Series: The Brandiron Series

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