Psionic Echo

by Michael David

Book Cover: Psionic Echo
Part of the The Psionic Sequence series:

In the everlasting cosmic battle between good and evil, the delicate line between salvation and damnation hangs by a thread. Posing as a mild-mannered accountant with a yen for Cheetos and Love Boat reruns, the Devil has a bold new plan to sow chaos and destruction through the cosmos, endangering the very fabric of time and space. In the eye of this storm, two unlikely heroes rise against the darkness—Tenkiller, a fallen angel stripped of his wings and glory, and Archer Wilson, a skeptical young prodigy wielding psychic powers beyond comprehension. As Satan orchestrates a symphony of destruction, unleashing surgical strikes upon innocent worlds across the multiverse, they stand as beacons of hope, their resolve tested by fire and fury.

The fate of countless souls teeters on the edge as Archer's team faces annihilation. Desperation fuels their courage, driving them to forge an unbreakable psychic link—a lifeline between the fallen and the Divine.

But can they bridge the chasm between Heaven and Hell before all is lost? Tenkiller's desperate call reverberates through the chaos, a collect call for divine intervention that resonates with the urgency of a dying star. The question is, will God accept the charges? Or will darkness swallow the multiverse whole?

Dare to enter the realm of Michael David’s Psionic Echo, where violence, death, and the intoxicating allure of divine power collide in a whirlwind of intensity that will shatter your perceptions.

Publisher: Rogue River

About the Author

Michael David graduated from West Texas A&M in 1988 with honors, earning a BBA in Finance. For the next two years, he worked as an assistant examiner for the F.D.I.C. during the banking crisis of the late 80’s.

However, Michael heeded the call of becoming a writer and quit his job as an assistant bank examiner in 1990. He found a job in Amarillo, Texas, working with people with disabilities and began writing.

He is the author of five novels and two screenplays, and is currently under contract with Roan & Weatherford Publishing for three manuscripts.

Michael is now retired, and resides with his wife in Amarillo, Texas, where he is an active member of the writing community.

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